Frequently Asked Questions

Does Altien Legal Document Manager support workflow reports across the legal department?
Time recording is a necessary evil for legal departments, as management needs to see which matters and projects are taking the most resources. Anything that can minimize the burden of this task can only benefit the department when it comes to both efficiency and overall morale. Altien Legal Document Manager makes workflow reports straightforward for department members, allowing them to complete reports very quickly. The system then organizes them for the department heads, allowing them to take a holistic view of how their staff’s time is being utilized.
Does Altien Legal Document Manager support document templates?
Yes! Document templates are an excellent way of increasing a legal department’s overall efficiency. Any regularly used templates can be stored in the system, where they’ll be accessible to anyone who needs them. Furthermore, Altien Legal Document Manager’s sophisticated “metadata” property integration means less typing is required, as all document, matter and project properties can be imported and integrated into the content of the document. Not only does this mean more available time, it also minimizes the possibility of errors occurring.
Can Altien Legal Document Manager be used for Knowledge Management?
Absolutely! Altien Legal Document Manager is a very effective solution for improving knowledge management within a department. During a document’s creation process, the owner can mark the document as ‘exemplary’. When the document is complete, it will be routed to a knowledge management expert for approval and filing within the knowledge management structure, so that it is available and can be easily located by other department members. In situations where document content could be driven from matter or project metadata, the knowledge manager can process a document so that it can be used as a document template. This way, valuable time can be saved as attorneys and paralegals will always have access to the latest approved precedents for their future legal documents.
Can I import existing documents?
An essential part of efficient document management is ensuring that existing documentation can be imported into the new system with minimal effort. Altien Legal Document Manager makes this process a joy. During the implementation process Altien will assist you with importing your existing documents. Post-implementation, users can simply drag and drop multiple documents, or even entire folders, into the system. For more complicated imports, a spreadsheet-style interface is available for extreme indexing of the documents as they are imported. Existing structures can be maintained so the effort that has gone into the organization of the department’s essential knowledge and history is preserved. For ongoing interchange with other departments, special folder monitors and systematization can be created to automatically import files as they are generated from other business users and systems. This functionality is also supported within email, so that special inboxes can be created to start your matter or project processes. For instance, a special mail account can be set up to automatically initiate the creation of a case for your compliance professionals.
Can I send links?
Yes! Sending links means people get the latest version of a document and saves space in emails.
Can I ensure documents are added back at the end of the day?
Yes. The system helps prevent documents from staying locked or going missing by prompting the user to check working documents back in or erasing them from disk when the editing software is shut down.
Can I check out documents to work on them offline?
In complete contrast to the previous question, you can also take multiple documents from the system and have them available for you while you’re offline (e.g. on a plane). This action is recorded, so you can ensure no changes are lost when you upload your amendments later.
Does it integrate with Adobe Acrobat?
Yes. Altien Legal Document Manager integrates seamlessly with Adobe Acrobat, making printing, saving and editing PDFs incredibly straightforward.